Making the case for Case Studies

Case Studies are too often seen as an afterthought.
In our marketing and lead generation, it's so easy to forget this vital tool.
But we do need to remember the part that evidence plays in the sales process.
We can make as many bold claims as we like about our amazing products or services - but nothing beats cold, hard evidence ...
... as this tale so perfectly illustrates.
A lesson in how not to clinch the deal
I had a builder take a look round the house the other day.
There were all kinds of little jobs needed doing.
We started off on the ground floor, when suddenly, he flung open a window and yelled outside, ‘Green side up!’.
Hmmm … a little odd.
Anyway, up we went to the first floor where again, he looked out of the window, flung it open and yelled outside, ‘Green side up!’
This was getting really weird.
On up to the top floor and, you’ll never believe it.
Over he goes to the window, hurls it open and bellows, ‘Green side up!!’.
I couldn’t curb my curiosity.
‘Excuse me’, I enquired.
'Why do you keep going over to the window, opening it and yelling, "Green side up?"'
. ‘Oh don’t you worry, mate. It’s the lads. They’re working next door. They’re putting a lawn down!’
I decided to look elsewhere for someone to do my odd jobs.
All this raises a question.
What do you do in your business to persuade your potential clients that you’re good at what you do?
One of the best ways is by using Case Studies on your website.
Case Studies are the kind of hard evidence that will persuade people that you’re the one they need to resolve their ‘pain point’.
And … if you’re not sure about how to put a Case Study together, it’s not hard.
More about why and how to write a Case Study for your business
Find out more about Case Studies - why they matter and the basics of putting them together.
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