Why we should let our copywriting rest

If you're a fellow carnivore (in my case a somewhat reluctant one), you might enjoy the occasional Sunday roast.
Which meat eaters amongst us don't slaver at the sight and smell of a plump, golden, crisp-skinned chicken, basted in oozing, buttery juices, surrounded by a bed of crunchy spuds, carrots and greens?
You'll be aware of the importance of letting the centrepiece of your perfectly cooked dinner 'rest' for 15 minutes or so before being served up.
This gives the fibres a chance to relax, to soften and to become as deliciously tender as they can be.
Well, this next bit might surprise you.
it's just as important to let our writing rest too.
One of my worst ever bits of work
Well, this next bit might surprise you.
It's just as important to let your writing rest too.
Last week I submitted to LinkedIn an article about the relationship between website design and web copy.
You'll find it here.
Take a quick look. You know you want to!
I closed with -
"Shall we have a conversation about how to integrate content into your website's design?"
Thank goodness I let my first draft 'rest' before going back to review my effort.
I was horrified that I'd written in such a stuffy, unengaging way.
Here's what I replaced it with -
"Fancy a chat about your website words?"
See what I mean?
A lifetime of working with words has taught me that the longer I leave my copy before returning for the final check-over, the more likely I am to see what I've got wrong.