Keeping it conversational
You've doubtless heard me go on about how important it is to write in a relaxed, conversational style. And I'm not about to stop! Here's why -
The rule is simple - write like you talk.
Chatting to a robot in a suit
When we write like we speak, we connect with readers on a human level.
No one wants to read copy that sounds stiff and formal—it’s like trying to chat with a robot in a suit.
Awkward and dull.
One of the easiest ways to make your writing sound natural is by using contractions.
Avoid these -
- We are
- You are
- You cannot
- We will
Go for these instead:
- We’re
- You’re
- You can’t
- We'll
These small tweaks make a huge difference in how you come across—friendly, approachable, and real.
You want your readers to feel like you're chatting with them over coffee, not giving them a grammar lesson.
Would my old English teacher approve?
Probably not.
But that’s Victorian education for you—times have changed, and so should your copy!
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